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Music for the Queen of Scots
The Flautadors & Corrina Silvester percussion

Deux Elles DXL1144

An immaculate recording of 16 C music by this well established recorder quartet, with absorbing historical notes about the music through the doomed queen's tragic life by Ian Wilson [far L], who also provides a quirky photo of his own... [R]

We have enjoyed The Flautadors over the years live and on disc; this is one of their best.

Peter Grahame Woolf

"A beautifully poised and deliciously played musical biography of Mary Stuart... they can fascinate the ear by the range of their colours, their articulations, their delicate phrasing, their sheer musicianship." Gramophone, June 2011

See Purcel/Locke Flautadors

and theflautadors/gallery